Edit to Add:
Thanks so much for your thoughtful comments...the post deadline is
Sunday at midnight...now that might be midnight California time so you figure out the time zones...anyway you know what I mean!!
Hi, just a quick post from California...and no it's not really sunny, I am in the Northern part and it's kind of cool and a bit of fog but always beautiful!
Today is my husband and my anniversary, and to celebrate, I want to give something away!
So I've done some creative thinking, and decided that I will be giving:
1. 27 feet of a variety of pretty ribbons (Can you guess the length of our marriage?)
2. 27 1/4 sheets of Bella's designer paper (Bella, Bella Bird, etc...)
3. One bottle of my favorite glue. (Because we all need glue to hold our marriage together.)
4. One Tilda stamp (your choice) **only if you love her as much as I do!! (Tilda has no mouth, so she knows when to keep hers shut...wink!!)
To enter, just leave me a comment...in your comment tell me how long you've been married and one small piece of advice for the secret of maintaining a happy marriage. If you're not married, you can still enter, of course...this is just in celebration of marriage.
So here's my small piece of advice,
Marriage goes through stages...if you don't like the one you're in, just wait it out and it will change to a new one!! Now that almost sounds like I'm talking about the weather...But in honesty, I fear too many people give up on their marriage too soon. Women
typically rely on those magical feelings from love songs to validate their relationships...but our feelings do change... just like the weather. And when the storms hit, and they will, where do you go for shelter? I like to think of marriage as a sheltering tree from the storms of life...where you can be safe with each other. That is my goal for my marriage...to make it a shelter from the storms of life.
I am so thankful my marriage has lasted through the years and give God all the glory for that...He is the
sustainer of all relationships!! He handpicked my husband just for me, and I am in awe of what a great job He did!! :)
Thank you for visiting my blog and for your comments!
I truly hope we can all be encouraged from reading through these~
The winner will be picked and posted early next week after we return from our trip!